Thursday 5 August 2010

peotry in (e)motion..

Requested by mister Scroobius Pip and his editor, a portrait for the intro page in scroobius' new book.
Book is available to buy on amazon as far as i know.

my friend laura urged me to post this particular brain dribble, i call her screetcher.

HarlotVonCharlotte in Bizarre Magazine..

I entered a competition to win a tenticle fuck stick and ended up getting a picture published in last months issue...didnt even know till someone told me on facebook, and then went running round all the late night co op's till i found a copy!

at home with Helena and friends..

Ever wanted to see wht Helena Bonham Carter looks like when she's havin a piss?
well now you know.
As for the other picture, she just wants to show you her chuff.

amanda palmer and masuimi max

Two beautiful ladies of whom I admire, these were intented to be a set of five tattoo inspired artworks, i lost interest after these sure i'll return to it at some point.
The other three in the set were to be christin ricci, kumi monster and possibly thora birch.


my favourite subject, so much so i had scarred my skin with a tentacle.
Tentacle erotica is understated and beautiful. In my eyes anyway.

pin ups

a selection from my pin up collection. Just some doodles i have done recently to pack out my erotic portfolio.